10 Questions About FILM

10 Questions About FILM
A new filmmaking podcast where director Craig Griffith talks to fellow filmmakers about their loves, lives and battles in film.
During an alien invasion, a couple trapped within the claustrophobic walls of a warehouse are forced to realise that they have grown apart. As the world is ending outside so is their relationship. They must come to terms with themselves, each other and life as they know it if they are to survive.
Everyday people like you and I just trying to come to terms with life in a pandemic.
Filmed remotely on Zoom these are real stories from real people dramatised and improvised by the actors.
DARKCoDE is an FMV thriller, set during the Covid-19 pandemic. Confined to his home during Lockdown, Agent Mark Scott discovers a series of mysterious deaths around the world. He sets out to solve the mystery.
Set in the shadowy world of online espionage, DARKCoDE is a tech-noir conspiracy thriller for the modern age. A truly global conspiracy, that if not stopped will change the course of humanity forever.
The Artist lives alone in a foreboding old house in the country. Once prolific he is now a desperate man at odds with his work and unable to paint. When he discovers a mysterious package left on his doorstep The Artist finds a strange mirror within and soon becomes wracked by horrific visions.
This life-affirming UK road movie is a journey of self-discovery as a dying man on a road trip back home learns it's never too late to make the most of life.
TERRORtUBE is a YouTube channel specialising in short horror films. Perfect for your daily commute...just be sure to wear your headphones though.
GHOST IN THE MACHINE is a contemporary short horror film made in partnership with Banshee Productions Ltd.

An online interactive horror story told on Twitter and YouTube made in partnership with Play This Next.