"Its in the Code"
Interactive Movie/Video Game - In Post Production (2022)
DARKCoDE is an FMV thriller, set during the Covid-19 pandemic. Confined to his home and surfing the net thanks to the lockdown, Agent Mark Scott discovers a series of mysterious deaths around the world. What links them? Scott is determined to find out. He turns to his network of fellow agents on The Clubhouse, a secret dark web version of Facebook where Agents from around the world work together to keep things in check. Recruiting the help of fellow agent Clara Snow, Hacker Danny, and his Russian counterpart Dimitri, Scott sets out to piece together the evidence and solve the mystery.
A truly global conspiracy, that if not stopped will change the course of humanity forever. As Scott follows the trail he must face intrigue, double crosses, allies, enemies and ultimately the Darkcode. As the threat ramps up, YOU must make the right choices as you help the characters solve the mystery and save the world from the Darkcode. Set in the shadowy world of online espionage, DARKCoDE is a tech-noir conspiracy thriller for the modern age, made during Lockdown utilising Zoom to remotely film the actors at various location around the world, using smartphones and webcams. "With the world in Lockdown there isn't much call for an agent of strange phenomena, that is until I found this..."

Director Craig Griffith
Producers Craig Griffith, Rupert Booth
Writers Craig Griffith Rupert Booth Emily Weir
Music Christopher Nettleton
Cast Rupert Booth, Richard Herring, Anarosa De Eizaguirre Butler, Tina Barnes
Publisher Muesli Mountain Media
Agent Mark Scott (Rupert Booth)
Barndon Richards (Richard Herring)
Dimitri (Paul McCarthy)
Lynch (Tina Barnes)
Edward (Duncan Williams)
Agent Clara Snow (Anarosa De Eizaguirre Butler)
Danny La Hacker (Benjamin Cawley)
Miriam Blake (Claire Lim)
Daedalus (Pere Costa)

The Production Team meeting on Zoom