"At the end of the road the journey begins..."
This life-affirming UK road movie is a journey of self-discovery as a dying man on a road trip back home learns it's never too late to make the most of life.
Guy Harris, an arrogant and selfish businessman, is devastated when he finds out he only has a few weeks left to live. All alone, with little time left he decides he must face his estranged father one last time. Hitting the road in ‘Bluey’, the rust bucket MG Midget that he stole from his dad after they fell out at his mum’s funeral, Guy travels the Long Road of self-discovery back to his hometown of Belfast.
Along the way, he meets Bryn and Rosie and each encounter, each experience forces him to face up to himself, a man struggling to come to terms with long buried emotions. Guy learns that he must change if he is to put things right before it’s too late.
Paul Mundell, Phoebe Mcintosh, Michael Langridge, Tony Osoba, Bernard Holley
Director Craig Griffith
Producer Craig Griffith
Executive Producers Oliver Crocker & Marcus Markou
Editor Claire Pringle
Screenwriter Craig Griffith
Director of Photography Andy Walker
Sound Thomas Joyce, Factory UK
Music Astroboy & Christopher Nettleton
Additional Music Nick Webb
Guy Harris (Paul Mundell)
Guy Harris (Paul Mundell) & Rosie (Phoebe Mcintosh)
Guy Harris (Paul Mundell) & Cliff (Johnathan Rhodes)
Guy Harris (Paul Mundell) & Bryn (Tony Osoba)
Brian (Michael Langridge)
Guy Harris (Paul Mundell)
Guy Harris (Paul Mundell) & Rosie (Phoebe Mcintosh)
Guy Harris (Paul Mundell) & Bryn (Tony Osoba)
Guy Harris (Paul Mundell) with Bluey the Car
Craig Griffith directing Bryn (Tony Osoba)
The Long Road
Crowdfunding Thank You list
A massive THANK YOU to the following people for crowdfunding The Long Road and helping us to make the film. Without you we couldn't have done it. So in no particlar order...
Marcus Markou, Faizul Azman, Chris Hopkins, Iain Mitchell, Pat McEnallay, Mark Gibbons, Katy Stevenson, Guy Wooles,
David Ryder Prangley, Rory McCaffer, Christopher Nettleton, Jeff Hole, Mel Wilkey, Jo Hubbard, Fay McCaffer, Archie & Barbara McCaffer, Dianne Assiratti, Peter Morse, Cliff Harris, Chris Evan, Jethro Stevenson, Helena Jones, Pippa Maunder, Ian Lidds, Hywel Ricketts,
Sammi Thomas, Nigel Edmunds, Lucy Duggins, Alex Pearson, Andrew Pearson, Mark Pearson, Claire Pringle, Katie Stephens, .Judy Pringle, Anna Pringle, Mike Pringle, David Pringle, Andrew McMichael, Gavin Davis, Subhu Swain, Iain & Julie Russell, Harvey Wade, Emma Jane Marsh, Michael Wray, Jonny George, Nick Gear, Barbara & Chris Mack, King, Trisha Beswick, David Ian Williams, Mistress of Pain 30, Mark Brennan, Huw Langridge, Darcy Conroy, Neil Percival, David R Braga, Maureen Clingman, AV Contractors, Herbert Eder, Liana Fonti, Craig Honstra, Simon Cox, Kelly Lloyd, Daniel Greenhalgh, Andrew J Ruff, Jacob Tilley, Ben Bulbeck, Joanne Murdoch, Simon Hotchkin, Dan Williams, Chris Ruppert, Michele Thomas, Brandon Fowler,, Graham Inman